
If you've heard about All-on-4 implants, you don't want to deal with dentures and traditional dental bridges. But is this procedure really the best option? All on 4 treatment may be the best solution for you. Full mouth dental implants procedure aims to restore the natural movement of your jawbone. With the help of their …

If you’ve heard about All-on-4 implants, you don’t want to deal with dentures and traditional dental bridges. But is this procedure really the best option?

All on 4 treatment may be the best solution for you. Full mouth dental implants procedure aims to restore the natural movement of your jawbone. With the help of their use, the pressure on your teeth when eating and talking is relieved, so the jawbone is not overly worn, bone loss does not occur, and is preserved healthy.

All on 4 implants are designed to support a complete set of dentures. It stands out as being more comfortable and functional compared to traditional implant treatments. Besides, unlike a dental bridge, dental implants replace both the root and crown of your tooth, making this procedure much safer. Dental bridge vs implant can be explained in this way. There are also All on 6 dental implants that use 6 implants instead of 4. Tower Dental is a pioneer in many branches of dentistry with its expert dentists and trained staff.

What are the Advantages of All-on-4 Implants?

All-on-4 dental implants procedure offers several advantages for individuals facing tooth loss or those in need of a full set of replacement teeth. Unlike traditional dental implant treatments that may require a significant number of implants and bone grafting procedures, All-on-4 prosthesis utilizes just four implants to support a full arch of your prosthetic teeth. This minimizes the need for extensive surgeries and reduces the potential for bone loss.

One of the key benefits is the ability to provide patients with a new set of functional and aesthetic teeth in a single day, commonly referred to as teeth in a day. The permanent set of teeth secured by All-on-4 closely mimics the appearance and functionality of your natural teeth, offering an attractive alternative to removable dentures or fixed bridges. This efficient and effective treatment option expands treatment options for you if you seek a comprehensive solution to your dental needs.

Who Can Have All-on-4 Implants?

All on 4 dental implants are a good choice for you when you have experienced multiple tooth loss. However, a consultation should determine whether you are a suitable candidate. The following factors are usually taken into consideration:

  • Good general health.
  • People who have lost teeth due to tooth decay.
  • Those with severe gum disease.
  • Individuals who are dissatisfied with their dental restoration.
  • Those who cannot have a tooth restoration.

You do not have to be missing all your arches to be a suitable candidate, but you should still need more than one tooth to be replaced.

What are the Differences Between All-on-4 Implants and All-on-6 Implants?

The difference between All-on-4 implants and All-on-6 implants lies in the number of implants used to support a full set of replacement teeth. While All-on-4 uses four implants for stability, All-on-6 uses six implants. The main difference is the additional two implants in the All-on-6 approach, which provide better support and distribution of the bite forces. This can be advantageous for you if your surgery requires a higher level of stability and strength.

Both procedures aim to provide a comprehensive solution for you when faced with extensive tooth loss, and the choice between them often depends on specific dental considerations and your particular needs. It is very important to consult a specialized dentist to determine the most suitable implant option for your circumstances. Getting dental implants is not a scary process.

Are All-on-4 Implants Easy to Care for?

All-on-4 implants are easy to care for and require a routine oral hygiene regime similar to your natural teeth. Firstly, you should follow the advice given by your dentist in the letter. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and professional dental check-ups to maintain the health of the implants and surrounding tissues. The simplified care routine, combined with the stability provided by four strategically placed implants, makes All-on-4 a fast and manageable solution for multiple tooth loss.

If you are thinking about how to get help with dental implants, you can direct all the questions you have in mind to your specialist. In addition, titles such as the cost of dental implants, full dental implants cost are frequently searched on the internet. If you are looking for answers to these questions, you can make an appointment at Tower Dental, the best dental implant practitioner in Turkey.

Tower Dental
Tower Dental

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