You have lost all the teeth in your mouth and you are wondering if you can be treated. Yes, you can regain your teeth with full mouth dental implants. You may have lost teeth in your mouth for many different reasons. The more teeth you have lost, the more difficult it is for you to …

You have lost all the teeth in your mouth and you are wondering if you can be treated. Yes, you can regain your teeth with full mouth dental implants.

You may have lost teeth in your mouth for many different reasons. The more teeth you have lost, the more difficult it is for you to fulfill vital functions such as eating, chewing and even speaking. The treatment of this multiple or complete tooth loss in the mouth is called full mouth implant treatment. Full mouth implant treatment is planned with a maximum of 6 teeth in the lower jaw and a maximum of 6-8 teeth in the upper jaw.

Full Mouth Dental Implants: Preparation Process

The process generally involves multiple stages and requires collaboration between you, your dentist, and the dental laboratory. The journey begins with a thorough consultation where your oral health is assessed through examinations, X-rays, and possibly CT scans. This evaluation helps the dental team determine the best course of action and whether you are a suitable candidate for full-mouth dental implants.

Once the decision is made to proceed, the next step involves planning the surgical procedure. This planning phase may include taking impressions or digital scans of your mouth to create precise models of the jaw and teeth. These models serve as guides for the placement of the implants.

How are Full Mouth Dental Implants Performed?

On the day of the surgery, you are mostly administered anesthesia to ensure comfort throughout the procedure. The dental surgeon then begins by removing any remaining teeth in the arch where the implants will be placed. This step is followed by preparing your jawbone for implant placement, which may involve bone grafting or other procedures to ensure there is enough bone to support the implants.

Next, the dental implants are strategically placed into your jawbone at precise locations predetermined during the planning phase. These implants serve as artificial tooth roots and are generally made of biocompatible materials such as titanium. Once the implants are securely in place, the surgical sites are closed with stitches, and temporary prosthetic teeth may be attached for aesthetic purposes.

Following the surgery, you enter a healing period known as osseointegration, during which the implants fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. This process can take some time, during which you may be provided with temporary prosthetic teeth to maintain function and appearance. Once osseointegration is complete and the implants are firmly integrated into your jawbone, the final step involves attaching the permanent prosthetic teeth. These custom-made restorations are designed to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth, providing a lifelike appearance and restoring function for chewing and speaking.

What are the Advantages of Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Full mouth dental implants offer several advantages for patients seeking comprehensive tooth replacement solutions. The most important benefits are listed below:

  • Comprehensive tooth replacement
  • Stability and durability
  • Preservation of bone and facial structure
  • Improved oral health
  • Enhanced chewing and speech
  • Natural-looking results

Overall, full-mouth dental implants offer a complete solution for replacing an entire set of teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics. This treatment can dramatically improve your smile, leading to increased confidence and a better self-image.

How to Care for Full Mouth Dental Implants?

Firstly, it’s essential to brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brushing helps remove plaque and bacteria from the surface of the teeth and implants, reducing the risk of gum disease and implant complications. Pay close attention to cleaning around the gum line and along the sides of the implants. Flossing is also important for cleaning between teeth and around the implants where a toothbrush may not reach. Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean these areas thoroughly, being gentle to avoid damaging the gums or irritating the implant site.

Additionally, using an antimicrobial mouthwash can help reduce bacteria in the mouth and maintain fresh breath. Rinse with mouthwash after brushing and flossing for added protection against oral infections. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring the health of your implants and identifying any issues early on. Visit your dentist as recommended for professional cleanings and examinations. Your dentist assesses the condition of your implants, gums, and overall oral health, addressing any concerns and providing guidance on proper care. Contact Tower Dental for detailed information about Turkey dental implant costs and the full mouth dental implant procedure.

Tower Dental
Tower Dental

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