dental problems

Like many people, you want to have a healthy mouth and teeth. But some dental problems can get in the way. Learn how to overcome them.

Like many people, you want to have a healthy mouth and teeth. But some dental problems can get in the way. Learn how to overcome them.

Good oral and dental health can affect your life in many different ways. An underestimated problem like bad breath is a headache for many people today. Other common problems include tooth decay, gum disease, tooth sensitivity, broken teeth, and receding gums. If you have one or more of these, you should seek treatment to eliminate oral problems. Continuing your life with poor oral hygiene can cause you even more trouble.

You need a good clinic and experienced dentists to solve your oral and dental health problems. Tower Dental offers you a wide range of treatment options. You can find the most common oral and dental health problems in the rest of the article.

1) Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries, is a common oral health condition characterized by the gradual breakdown of tooth enamel due to bacterial activity. Black tooth decay is a severe manifestation of this process, often indicating advanced stages where the tooth structure has significantly deteriorated. If you experience symptoms such as tooth decay ache may be sensing the discomfort caused by the exposure of nerve endings as the cavity progresses.

When left untreated, tooth decay can lead to various complications, including the formation of cavities, especially in hard-to-reach areas like the back teeth. This may result in the sensation of teeth rotting and breaking. In some cases, decay can extend to wisdom teeth, necessitating the extraction of decayed wisdom teeth to prevent further oral health issues. However, with early intervention and proper oral hygiene, it is possible to reverse tooth decay or mitigate its progression, underscoring the importance of regular dental check-ups and prompt treatment for those experiencing symptoms of dental deterioration.

2) Gum Disease 

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a prevalent oral health condition characterized by inflammation and infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth. Individuals grappling with gum disease may inquire about the compatibility of cosmetic dental procedures such as composite bonding with gum disease or the feasibility of obtaining veneers with gum disease. Seeking advice from a gum disease specialist becomes pivotal in determining the appropriate course of action and ensuring the overall health of the oral tissues.

The relationship between gum disease and orthodontic treatments, such as braces, is noteworthy. If you have gum disease with braces, you may face additional challenges in maintaining optimal oral hygiene, potentially exacerbating your existing periodontal concerns. Understanding the causes of bone loss, which can involve a combination of factors including bacterial infection and inflammation affecting the gum and supporting structures, underscores the importance of comprehensive oral care to address both aesthetic and health-related concerns.

3) Toothache

Toothache is a common dental ailment characterized by pain or discomfort in and around your teeth and jaw. This condition can arise from various causes, including dental decay, gum disease, tooth sensitivity, or dental trauma. The sensation of a toothache can range from a dull, persistent ache to sharp, intense pain, often leading individuals to seek prompt dental attention to identify and address the underlying issue.

The primary cause of toothaches is often related to the exposure of nerve endings within the tooth, either due to cavities, fractures, or other dental conditions. The pain can be exacerbated by hot or cold temperatures, sweet foods, or pressure during biting and chewing. 

4) Tooth Cavities

Tooth cavities, also known as dental caries, are localized areas of damage on the tooth surface caused by a combination of factors, primarily bacterial activity and the presence of acidic substances. When bacteria in your mouth interact with sugars and carbohydrates from food, they produce acids that erode the protective enamel layer of your tooth, leading to the formation of a cavity on a back tooth or any other tooth surface. 

Addressing a tooth cavity typically involves a tooth cavity filling procedure, wherein the decayed portion of the tooth is removed, and the resulting void is filled with dental material to restore the tooth’s structure and function. It is essential to seek professional dental care when symptoms arise or a cavity is suspected.

5) Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned teeth, also known as malocclusion, refer to a condition where the teeth do not fit together correctly when the jaw is closed. This misalignment can manifest as various issues, including crooked teeth and problems with the alignment of the jaw. Malocclusion can lead you to functional challenges such as difficulty in biting, chewing, and maintaining proper oral hygiene. Additionally, it may contribute to aesthetic concerns, prompting you to seek solutions to address both the functional and cosmetic aspects of your misaligned teeth.

The treatment of misaligned teeth often involves orthodontic interventions aimed at correcting the tooth alignment and improving the overall jaw alignment. Braces are a common orthodontic tool used to gradually move and align teeth into the correct position. Beyond cosmetic benefits, correcting misaligned teeth through orthodontic treatment can enhance oral health by reducing the risk of issues like tooth decay and gum disease associated with challenges in cleaning crooked or crowded teeth.

6) Chipped and Cracked Teeth

Cracked and chipped teeth are dental issues characterized by damage to the tooth structure, each presenting distinct challenges and considerations. Cracked teeth refer to instances where there are visible or invisible lines or fractures in the tooth enamel, extending into the underlying layers. These cracks on your teeth can vary in severity and may lead to discomfort, especially when chewing or exposing the teeth to temperature extremes. In some cases, the cracks may be subtle, making them challenging to detect without a professional dental examination.

On the other hand, chipped teeth involve the partial breakage of your tooth, often resulting in a visibly missing portion. This can occur due to various reasons, such as trauma, biting on hard objects, or natural wear and tear. Specific situations like front teeth chipping at the bottom may impact both the aesthetic appearance and functionality of your teeth. 


You should not neglect your oral and dental health problems and take the right steps to solve them. If you want to get detailed information about dental treatment in Turkey and all procedures, you can contact Tower Dental via the information.

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